Über uns

From the idea to the product

We help answer questions about sustainable materials, develop and optimize formulations and processes, and guide your business on the path to Industry 4.0 through analytics-driven data with open source applications. 

Contact us and arrange a free consultation with us or we will match you with the right partner in research or industry 

Discover more

Arthur Groh, Gründer

Arthur Groh studied chemistry, with a focus on materials science, and is also passionate about data processing and visualization, ML, and AI.  ​

He was motivated by the belief that economic growth and sustainability must go hand in hand. His vision is a
create a circular economy that uses resources more efficiently and minimize environmental impact. He firmly believes that all of us can do their part to create a sustainable future design. 


Oligothiophene Phosphonic Acids for Self-Assembled Monolayer Field-Effect Transistors

Zhao, B., Goethe B., Groh A., et al.  ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 32461–32466 (2021).

Founder Groh Technologies

Technology consulting on sustainable materials, renewable energy and digitalisation. CEO 

Co-Founder Spaceafrica GmbH

Social clean technology start-up based in Zurich. Agricultural waste-based materials management in Malawi, Africa. CTO 


ailored Interface Energetics for Efficient Charge Separation in Metal Oxide-Polymer Solar Cells

E​hrenreich, P., Groh, A., Goodwin, H. et al. Sci Rep 9, 74 (2019).

Präzisionsbauteile durch 3D-Druck

Groh A.et al.KunststoffXtra 12, 71-74 (2019)

Wissenschaftlicher Assistent ZHAW

Institute of Materials and Process Development (IMPE), Polymer Materials and Adhesives Group, Prof. Dr. Christof Brändli 

(till 2021)

PhD Student Universität Konstanz

Chair of Chemical Materials Science, Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecking 

(till 2018)

M.Sc. Chemie - Universität Konstanz


B.Sc. Chemie - Universität Konstanz